Getting Back to What We Love
It appears that we have finally started to get somewhat back to normal as far as hunt tests and training days with our dogs. Boy have we missed spending our weekends with familiar faces and our canine friends.
Our club was well represented at the Old South hunt test in mid-September, both as judges and as handlers. Thank you to our club members who give back to our beloved sport by spending the weekend judging our dogs-we can never thank you enough for giving of your time. We had quite a few members earn passes that weekend. Carol Caito ran Hunter and earned a pass to hit 1,000 points (for those of you counting, that’s a lot of tests!)
In the midst of everything going on in this crazy year we are experiencing, we had a GRAND showing for the Fall 2020 International Grand. We had 4 club members run their dogs in Paducah, and 3 of the 4 were first timers AND were ladies. Caroline Davis and her dog Tuff made it to the first series. Caroline’s dog Francie, handled by Stephen Durrence, earned her GRHRCH, becoming the 16 Chessie to title. Ray Caito and his dog Hunter made it to the third series. Carol Caito ran her dog Traeger, and went out in the fourth series. Melissa Grant and her dog Johnny made it through all 5 series and earned their first Grand pass. CONGRATULATIONS Melissa! We are so proud of all of you!
Central FL HRC enjoyed two great training days this past September and October, each at a social distance which seems to be our new norm for now. Our October training day also included an Upland training day, which was enjoyed and appreciated by many of our club members who ran their dogs in our Quad November Upland test, which was a great addition to our regular Hunt Test. Many thanks to Clint Beaty, Ray Caito, David Barnett and Jerod Newman for planning and coordinating these teaching days. We had alot of new people attend and join and they also pitched in and helped where needed, especially with throwing. We so appreciate this help as it makes our teaching days flow. WELCOME to all our new members!!!
Happy New Year and best of luck to all running in this new year! We welcome 2021 and look forward to leaving 2020 in the past.
Ray Caito and Tracy Stubbs