HRC Hunt Tests
An overview of hunt test program Information you need to know.
HRC Hunt Test Overview
The HRC has a five level ability based hunt test program where hunting dog owners can come and test their dogs in real hunting scenarios. The HRC’s hunt test program caters to all level of dogs and handlers from the very beginning where dogs and handlers alike are just getting Started: “The Started Hunting Retriever” (SHR title), to the Seasoned hunting dog: “The Hunting Retriever” (HR title), and lastly the all-around Finished level hunting dog: “The Hunting Retriever Champion” (HRCH title). The HRC hunt test program doesn’t end there for those who truly enjoy the hunt test sport with their dogs. Once a higher level of skill is achieved by the dog and handler the HRC offers two more additional levels for its top competitors: The Grand hunting retriever, “The Grand Hunting Retriever Champion” and the Upland hunting retriever, “Upland Hunter” (UH title). All of these hunt test programs’ points and titles are recorded and kept by The United Kennel Club (UKC) registry in which the HRC is affiliated.
To learn more about the HRC organization, visit their website
The Started Hunt will have four tests. Two tests will be marked water retrieves. Two tests will be marked land retrieves. The Started Hunting Retriever can participate in all four tests regardless of whether or not it passes each test.
Started does not require the handler to handle the gun. The dog does not need to return the bird to hand but it must be brought to an area near the handler.
The Seasoned Test
The Seasoned hunt will have five (5) tests. These five tests shall consist of at least the following: (1) a doublemarked land retrieve, (2) a double-marked water retrieve, (3) a walk-up, or tracking, or quartering test, (4) a blind land retrieve, and (5) a blind water retrieve. Part of the test must include a diversion. Failure of a hunting retriever to pass any of the hunting tests will not prevent the hunting retriever from participating in subsequent tests unless the Handler is unsafe in handling a gun.
The Finished Test
The Finished Hunt will have at least four (4) tests. These four tests shall consist of the following: (1) a multiple marked water retrieve, (2) a multiple marked land retrieve (either or both the multiple marked water retrieve or the multiple marked land retrieve must include an honor), (3) a water blind retrieve, and (4) a land blind retrieve. These blinds may or may not be included in one of the required multiple marked retrieves.
*Part of the test must include a diversion as the dog returns to the retrieving line from a blind, walk-up or return from a marked retrieve. At the option of the Judges, the hunt may include an upland game test. If an upland game test is to be run, this option must be announced in the Club’s Premium if one is used. Failure of a hunting retriever to pass any of the hunting tests will not prevent the dog from participating in a subsequent test unless the Handler is unsafe in handling a gun.
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